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Battery Capacity

33 kwh

Electric Motor

30 Kw


200 Km

Vehicle Dimensions

4300x1890x1600 Mm

Description NEXTEM 1 TON
Vehicle Dimensions 4300x1890x1600 mm
Torque 150 NM
Max Speed 80 km/h Km/H
Vehicle Battery Capacity 33 Kwh
Electric Motor 30 Kw
GVW 2200 Kg
Front and Rear Suspension Independiente Macpherson Amortiguadores de Gas
Cargo Capacity 1000 Kg
Cargo Volume M3
Tire Size
Battery Capacity 33 Kwh
Breaks ABS
Battery Range 200 Km
Charging Type
Charging Time AV 6
Charging Time DC NA
1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

Compare the NEXTEM 1 TON to a similar gas vehicle, the

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Cost Analysis

24000 kilometers

5 years



Sales Tax rate

We selected the based on its proximity to the NEXTEM 1 TON based on brand, size, and price.

Vehicles displayed may not reflect actual availability. eZero does not endorse or recommend any specific vehicle or car manufacturer. eZero is not responsible for the products or services offered by third - parties, including this cost - savings calculator, and makes no claims related to the effectiveness of such or to potential savings.

Cost of ownership

The NEXTEM 1 TON is $584 cheaper

Description NEXTEM 1 TON
Vehicle $1653 $149
Maintenance $210 $458
Insurance $1583 $1500
Electricity $1129 $0
Gasoline $0 $2733
Tenencia $38 $357
Total $4613 $5197
Description NEXTEM 1 TON
Vehicle $19840 $1792
Maintenance $2520 $5500
Insurance $19000 $18000
Electricity $13543 $0
Gasoline $0 $32795
Tenencia $450 $4280
Total $55353 $62367
Description NEXTEM 1 TON
Vehicle $99200 $8960
Maintenance $12600 $27500
Insurance $95000 $90000
Electricity $67715 $0
Gasoline $0 $163975
Tenencia $2250 $21400
Total $276765 $311835

Cost to fill up monthly

The NEXTEM 1 TON is $584 cheaper to fill up monthly