Welcome to the eZERO Suitability Tool.

Lets take a look at what eZERO Electric vehicles may suit your requirements!

We will provide you with an accurate evaluation of your suitability for driving an electric vehicle
You will be able to compare suitable models to fit your preferred requirements
We will ask you for an email address to generate your results, by submitting you are agreeing to our privacy policy.

How do you park at home?

Select the option that best describes how you park at home:

Can you install a charge point or are there any charge points in your shared parking location?

Where do you live?

Enter your home postcode:

How often do you drive in the week?

My average number of days driving between Monday and Friday is...

But, I do not use the car (on average)...


E.g. How many weeks are you away on holiday without the car?

What are your driving habits?

On an average weekday, my route is...

Can you charge at work?

Where do you work?

Workplace postcode

Tell us more about your round trip!

How many miles do your additional destinations add to your round trip to work and back on an average weekday?

And how many times per week do you visit these additional destinations?

Okay, so you don't commute regularly by car...

Enter your home postcode:


You can also long click on the map to choose your home location.

Okay, so you don't commute regularly by car...

But what's the furthest you travel on an average weekday?

Now, tell us about your weekends...

How far do you drive on your average Saturday and Sunday (e.g to shops, activities)?
How often do you make a trip like each weekend?

How many miles a year do you drive?

Hint:Type the name of your destination (e.g town, landmark, postcode etc.) or just click the map

How old are you?

How many miles a year do you drive?

Don't worry! We can make a pretty good guess from the other questions.

Your Results!

Where shall we send the full breakdown of your results?

All done!

An email with a link to your results has been sent to